Puerto Rico offers a unique value proposition to investors, whereby firms enjoy the benefits and protections of operating within a US jurisdiction, combined with the tax benefits of operating as a foreign corporation.

The unusual combination of cash grants, financial incentives and credits, and venture capital initiatives, together with Puerto Rico's tax laws offer a wealth of incentives that promote corporate growth, underscoring the government's commitment to providing a pro-business environment. The effective corporate income tax rate for manufacturing companies ranges from 7% to 2%.

A high-capacity infrastructure, strategic location, state-of-the-art communications, low labour costs and an educated and bilingual workforce make Puerto Rico a manufacturing and export powerhouse of the Americas.

As a result of four decades of unprecedented industrial growth, Puerto Ricans have the skills and knowledge necessary to satisfy the demanding needs of modern and high-tech manufacturing industries at every level. In fact, a professional class fills 75% of all manufacturing management positions in more than 2300 diversified industrial plants.

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